30 Jul 2011

I love pre-loved books

Some people would never consider buying a used book but I have to say that I am just the opposite. Call the what you like - used books, vintage books, second-hand books, I call them pre-loved! And I love trawling the thrift shops for books that need a new home and to donate books so that others can read them and enjoy them. Especially the ones that I didn't like - I feel like they deserve a second chance. The other day I was going from second-hand shop to second-hand shop looking for books to buy and this is what I came home with:

Happy reading!


  1. It's always fun to see if you find something inside too - like a bookmark or train ticket.

  2. Yes, I love used books too! The more dog-eared the better. There's something just so cozy and comfortable about them, like a favorite old pair of jeans. We have a number of thrift stores around town that I troll regularly.

  3. The Princess Bride is so great, and I recently bought The Tiger's Wife too :)

    And I agree that second hand books are fun. I especially love it when they have a message in the inside cover.

  4. @bermudaonion - yes absolutely. I once picked up a copy for a few dollars and turned out it was signed by the author :-)

    @Trish and Sam, good to hear that there are other pre-loved books lovers out there :-)

  5. I am all about the used books. I love them! I have a friend who thinks they're gross though and calls them "dirty books." I'm trying to break her of this prejudice, but oh well.

  6. I refer to used books as 'pre-loved' too - a book is a special thing and deserves to be enjoyed by more than one person.
