15 Nov 2012

In the Style Of Jane Austen

Jane Austen is one of my favourite authors and many are the times where I have lamented that fact that she didn't write more books. If it was up to me, she would have written ten times as many books! Alas, she didn't so for years I have been on the hunt for books that remind me of her style and where the characters have the same sense of humour, a similar innocence and spirit and the same capacity for reflection.

This is what I have found - if you like books by Jane Austen, you will also like:

"I Capture the Castle" by Dodie Smith

"The Nonesuch" by Georgette Heyer

"Jane Eyre" by Jane Eyre

"Regency Buck" by Georgette Heyer

"Old Friends and New Fancies" by Sybil Brinton

"Vanity Fair" by William Makepeace Thackeray


  1. I'm reading Pride & Prejudice at the moment - my first ever Austen! My friend has recommended Persuasion to me, so that might be next. :)

    1. Persuasion is beautiful but also a bit more ... sad almost. Emma is the most lighthearted of the Austen books and a really good read.

  2. Wonderful list! Now I'm off to read all the books on your list that I haven't read so far.

    1. Thanks Melissa, I will be adding more as I go along.

  3. Thanks for these recommendations! I loved Jane Eyre, and I have Vanity Fair and I Capture the Castle on my shelves. Looks like I have some good reading in my future!

  4. I Capture The Castle is absolutely fantastic, hope you enjoy reading it.
